CURRENT OFFER: Book a block of 6 lessons and you get last lesson half price!
Your first lesson/consultation is an hour £50, the lessons thereafter are 45 minutes £45
Each lesson lasts 45 minutes with the exception of the first, which is 60 minutes. In the first lesson we discuss any historical or current injuries and also talk about what you do on a daily basis, to get to understand your pattern of movements. During this lesson and further lessons we will work on movements you perform everyday; sitting, standing, walking, lying down and also tasks such as; working at a computer, cooking and picking things up.
Posture clinic: If bad posture is something you are particularly concerned about, we look at any ingrained postural habits that may be causing discomfort or pain. Using a gentle hands-on technique and verbal instruction, I will guide you to discover and learn about your postural use, looking at balance, breath and movement.
The Alexander Technique is a process of re-education, learning about how we use ourselves and how we respond to situations. It is a process of discovery and observation, encouraging you to choose how you use your body and mind. It is thinking about pausing before you start an action and performing that action with less effort in a more considered way. Therefore reducing stress and tension and allowing a possibility of easy pain free coordinated movement.
A couple of recent YouTube clips on easy ways to get on and off the floor and a 20 min guided talk through semi supine constructive rest: